Monday, September 26, 2011

Roots; they're where we come from...

I wanted to take a photo of my tree's trunk to show where it comes from out of the ground. Most people only pay attention to a tree's leaves, so this photo and post is to concentrate on its roots. The tree has roots that are underground that we can't see, but they are very important to the tree's health. According to Sillick and Jacobi, "Roots obtain water, oxygen, and minerals from soil. Soil compaction, change in soil depth and improper watering can injure roots, increasing stress and susceptibility to disease and insects. To avoid root disease, maintain a healthy vigorous environment around a tree. Once a root system is severly affected, the tree usually must be removed." So from this, we see trees need more care than most people think they do! If the areas around them aren't a good environment for them, they can produce root disease which can result in extermination of the entire tree. Trees are important to our environment for many reasons and provide ecosystem services that I've already noted in a previous post. So in conclusion, the healthier the roots, the healthier the tree, the healthier the environment.

J.M. Sillick, & W.R. Jacobi, (August 29, 2011). Healthy Roots and Healthy Trees. Retrieved from

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