Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Final Post

The picture I chose is from September, when it had all of its leaves. I really have become more connected with nature because of my tree and focusing on it once a week. It shocked me how much my tree would change week by week. I remember how much of a shock it was to me when I noticed all of its leaves were falling off, or when the leaves all turned completely red in only one week. If I would not have had this journal, I know I would have just ran out of my apartment every day for class without noticing one change. Every time I'm around a lot of trees I think about how important they are to the environment. This journal gave me a better understanding for why ecosystem services are important and why they need to be in balance so that the environment is healthy and running how it was intended. My entity has changed a great deal over the semester, but I'm glad I chose something that is right outside my door because now I get to see it grow all of its leaves back in the spring :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Economic Sustainability

So my tree officially has ZERO leaves on it. But if you look closely, you can see there is a birds nest in my tree! The economic environment surrounding my tree is basically just the apartment complex that I live at. The management placed the trees to help promote economic sustainability so that it was more appealing to people considering to sign a lease with them. If there were no trees, then it would look less appealing and a lot more bare which would not promote economic sustainability. Basically, the more trees that are surrounding apartment buildings, the higher the occupancy rates.